Provoking him ... always ended up ... ruining her existence .... … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Provoking him ... always ended up ... ruining her existence .... … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Blog Article

My brother has a wife …. that always agrees with him.


I am shocked that such a woman exists.

But … she learned all that from her mother … cause i saw how her parents behaved too.

And … i had the chance to see few more other women like that.

Again … being shocked that a woman … can be so, so wise.

Truth be told … men are always saying that the woman … represents the devil … but more i analyse myself … deeper and deeper … i understand that i have lots of devils inside of myself.

… maybe small devils.

But … many….

And … life showed me one million of other examples of men …. being in the company of not such wise women.

I smile … seeing those scenarios.

Real case scenarios.

I see … how the woman is provoking the man … totally driving him crazy.

Making him … loses his minds.

Happening like that in continuous form.

For some unhappy couples .. years in the row.

Many, many years.

I smile …. cause i’ve had such experiences.


The woman can provoke the man into such a way … that he is really becoming a devil.

And … then all is ruined.

Almost forever.

It all becomes … an illusory drama.

Maybe things are ok for a while … but then all suddenly changes when the woman is provoking the man.

Ruining in fact … also her existence.

But … the question is … why?!

Why the hell … the woman is not wise enough to not provoke the man?!

Why she can’t stop herself making him jealous… if she knows that this fact makes him totally lose his minds?!

Why … she argues with him for useless things?!

Why she doesn’t agree with the man …. even in stupid situations when the partner explains stupidly that 1+1=5?!

And … the real question which comes into my mind is … why the hell the woman awakes the devils?!

Why is she not wise enough to not do such a stupid risky thing?!

And … smiling … i also dare to ask … who is the real devil?!

The man?!

Or … the woman?!

Most certainly … some of the relationships we need to experience in life … have a karmic purpose.

Spiritual terms … like devils, karmic etc … not well understood by the public … are just simple … metaphors.

And … still the question is … why it happens like that?!

Why we ruin our love relationships … and in fact our lives … not being wise enough and not activate the dark side of the partner?!

Well …

Download the book ”The dark side … of the human being

philosophical & spiritual essays” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.

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